Getting Started with the WA


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory would like to welcome you to the Weatherization Assistant energy audit software training. Please click on the ORNL Greeting link in the menu on the left to receive a welcome to the training and to allow us to describe to you the purpose and intended audience of the web-based training, how you might use the training, and the format of the training.

The Weatherization Assistant Training that we have put together is video-based and has been divided into four levels: Getting Started with the WA, Site Built (NEAT), Mobile Home (MHEA), and Advanced Features. You will use the menu at the left to access these four levels. All four levels contain a number of courses, which are further divided into lessons. A number of lessons have Learn More videos that provide you with additional information on selected topics. Please take a few moments to click on the Site Navigation link in the menu on the left so that we can further show you how to navigate the Weatherization Assistant Training web site before you get fully started.

Thank you for visiting the Weatherization Assistant Training web site, and we hope that you find the web site useful in meeting your Weatherization Assistant training needs. If you have any questions or comments on the training or the web site, please contact us using the CONTACT US link in the upper right corner of each page or the Feedback link located at the bottom of each page.

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